Members Train with Live Fire at Donated House
By Member David Jeglum
July 3, 2015

On June 26th members of the fire district were able to train with live fire by a house donated for that use by Scott DeGraf of Prospect Heights. Crews were able to practice "real life" type scenarios by setting fires in different parts of the house and then go in and practice putting out the fire. This type of training is invaluable to firefighters as it gives them a chance to perform the normal fireground operations but in a more controlled environment.

Six scenarios were practiced with crews with the focus on communications and fire fighting tactics and operations. Coordination between fire companies is crucial in the successful control of any fire.

The Prospect Heights Fire Protection District is always looking for opportunities to train on such houses. If you or someone you know has a house slated for demolition we would welcome the chance to train. Please contact Deputy Chief Drew Smith at 847-253-8060 for making such a donation.

Pictures provided by John Kleeman.